(or..."You Are Here Department") Our existence in physical form is the Spiritual Dreamtime of One Being. We can't leave from what we are; we can only fall asleep to it. |
Collage artwork stolen from John Findly and Robert Williams |
From the Absolute Love's Absolute Logical Mind reference and using a mathematical analogy -- infinities within infinities within infinities...infinitely, we are in and just above the area of a dark spot in the Spiritual Fractal. Physical form lies in and just above the zero area of this Spiritual Fractal. |
(or another bible story) In other words, traditionally, a person goes out into the wilderness to find God/Goddess and comes back to others to express what they have found. In Abraham's time, there were large cities and temples throughout these cities. Many of these temples served a pantheon of deities -- a number of different god's. Traditionally, there would be offering plates before or regarding each deity. Individuals would usually perform some ritual which involved something like, "God of _blank_, if you give me _blank_, I will give you _blank_. In other words, try to strike a bargain with the 'divine' in order to get a specific desire.
With the Covenant, this a case where the Namless Desert God comes out of
the wilderness and strikes a deal with a man -- Abraham. What's the
deal? "If you worship me and follow my laws, I will take care of
your children's children's children as long as you worship me and follow
my laws." The Judaic religion is the only contract religion in the
world. From this Covenant we get the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic
Where is this going? The bible is pretty much accounts of, with a number of exceptions, how God kept his part of the bargain and Man blew his side. Some of the fulfilled promises are:
With the second appearance of priest king -- Jesus, the Covenant was extended
to everybody and simplified with only two laws: Love God with all your
heart, mind, and soul and extending that Love by doing onto others...
So, what about the promise of the third appearance of the priest
king within the Covenant? That may be difficult to call. First
off, something that Jesus said, "No one knows about that day or hour, not
even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father -- Matthew
24:36. That can mean even the person who may be playing the 'title
role' won't know how the 'song' goes. This makes it very difficult
to call who, what, where, when...,
You'd laugh and say nothing's that simple. And you've been told many times before, Messiahs pointed to the door, And no one's had the guts to leave the temple. I'm free. You see, it appears that music is involved as well. We will return to this one later.
Leaving that track of clues alone for awhile, what about other clues?
One sign is Israel becoming a nation. Which, at least sets a time
reference. This is because of something that Jesus -- the previous
priest king -- said and that was that the generation that witnessed
this unique sign, would be the generation that would witness His -- priest
king -- return and all of the prophecies fulfilled -- Matthew 24:32.
(All the signs would be seen by one generation.) This at least gives
us a 'head's up.
1) Revelation 13:13 2)For an idea on the Beast's methodologies, refer to the N.I.C.E Corporation in C. S. Lewis’ science fiction and horror trilogy, "Perelandra“, Specifically, the last book, "That Hideous Strength” gives a picture of the type of machinations the Beast uses. |
of the Beast
TheRapist Gestalt A gestalt is something more than the sum total of its parts. The Beast is a gestalt being. Your body is a gestalt of the microorganisms that make it up. A change in some critical content elements, changes the gestalt. The Beast's gestalt involves a pyramid of a myriad of people in a Consensual reality – reality of agreement. (All symbolic communication is a Consensual reality. Without the agreement on the meaning of words, there would be no symbolic communication. All culture, government, language, etc. are Consensual realities.(1)) Any Consensual reality is in constant need of re-enforcement. If agreement stops, the Consensual reality collapses. As the intentions of the people who make up the pyramid change and as those people come and go; this changes the pyramid, the Beast's gestalt changes.
This applies to the gestalt's ‘core memory’ as well.
of the Beast
Truth --1, Untruth --0 Truth can withstand any amount of honest – answer seeking -- questioning. It is untruth, delusion, and illusion that cannot withstand questioning. Questioning gravity has no effect on gravity. Truth – laws of Creation -- is invulnerable, immovable, and everywhere at once. Bring the untruth to the Truth; Truth itself is unmovable. (Mystical secret # 1,827,915.2) In addition, Truth is Eternally constant; it never changes.
When untruth is brought to the Truth, it must give way like absolute darkness
must give way to a match. The Beast will not directly confront Truth.
The Beast will attack Truth from a distance, where it's ‘safe’. It
avoids direct contact; just because, contact means it can automatically
dissolve into the ‘special case’ of Truth that it is. Consequently,
a major tool of untruth is distraction.
The Beast has an amorphous fluid structure; it is constantly subject to
change. This makes it difficult to find its ‘head’ and ‘heart’; while
it presents all kinds of weaknesses. Since the majority of the Beast's
gestalt has untruth in its conceptual matrix, wherever there is an untruth
there is a weak point.
of the Beast
“Don't look at me!” Because the Beast is a gestalt and because of its’ ‘allergic reaction’ reaction to Truth, the Beast hides the untruth of what it is doing with hidden agendas. It has to do this to maintain the participation of the pyramid of people that constitutes the Beast. Honest questioning has been the bane of the Beast.
If to much truth comes out – some elements of the agenda become known,
it can erode away the Consensual reality pyramid structure of people it
is dependent on. It is the fashion or history of the Beast – untruth
-- to distract, attack the messenger, manipulate, misinform, ostracize,
imprison, or murder.(2)
Untruth will do anything; just as long as the current Consensual reality
that sustains it is maintained, and Truth is not present in your mind .
Or, using another biblical reference, “Those who doeth evil hate the light.”
of the Beast
The jellyfish's skeleton As stated previously, the untruth in the Beast's Consensual reality is in constant need of re-enforcement. (Every time a word is used in a conversation – A Consensual reality, its meaning is re-enforced) Therefore the Beast must constantly re-enforce elements of the Consensual reality pyramid of people that make it up. This also means the Beast is in constant need of re-enforcing fallacial – untrue -- concepts. These fallacial concepts give the Beast's skeleton a ‘house of cards’ structure. Some examples of these concepts are:
of the Beast
The game is rigged. It's a closed system. All physical form is a closed system in God's Love. Given time, any untruth based Consensual reality existing in this close system creates its own downfall. The reasoning is simple. Truth is the “laws by which something works”. The Consensual reality collapses just because it is not working in the laws of Universal existence. This makes our contending with the Beast more of a form of “damage control”. (Putting the Beast on a leash couldn't hurt either; and, the Beast hates being laughed at.) On an individual level, remember the God (or however you perceive Divine Love) that is within you and around you in your every moment. Application of Love's Logic – Universal/Eternal Truths – can give you a place to stand that never moves. “…try to see a little further.” Truth also gives you a reference for questioning -- the bane of the Beast.
Once some of the truths of untruth become known, agreement can stop.
Again...with the loss of agreement, a Consensual reality collapses.
(A Summation) In terms of Creative and destructive energy and how they interact -- their Way, there are a number of approaches. If
the destructive energy stems from an individual, the approach is to forgive
and ignore or place no attachment on it. There are a number of reasons
for this. One is two mages fighting each other is a lose/lose situation.
All power comes from God -- "The Force". Two mages fighting each
other is like trying to pit God against God – to split God. The Universe
will teach them the folly of their ways.
If you feel the entity is non-corporeal -- a spirit or (?) -- and want to know what defense is there against that, the approach is somewhat similar. First off, creative energy is independent; it can stand alone. Destructive energy is dependent; it must have something to destroy. (Not only that, it is in constant need of enforcement or re-enforcement.) If destructive energy is isolated, it consumes itself. The bottom line is all destructive energies are a ‘special case’ of creative energy. The Infinite and Eternal must constantly remove, in order to constantly manifest in the finite/temporal – physical – form. And…destructive energy is automatically drawn to creative energy to exist. So the question is how do you psychically/spiritually protect yourself from this?
This is why meditation can be an important factor; learning to ignore or to take control of your mental processes.(4) Again, this means questioning the Beast is the Beast's bane.Your perception of this Divine is not that important; recognizing God's existence is. Any finite/temporal perception of the Eternal and Infinite is going to fall short of the actuality. If Love is involved, it's all the same Being anyway. The bottom line is you are God's Creation. What you really are is invulnerable and absolute. No destructive force can really hurt who you really are. What God created in you cannot be undone. This can be your rock to stand on.
1) I AM A I, Chapter 4, "What's Reality PAPA" 2) Again, for a reference on the Beast's weaknesses, see C. S. Lewis', "Screwtape Letters" 3)Ridiculous moments in history: Xerxes once had the sea whipped because a storm sunk his fleet. 4) For 'how to' meditation instructions, see: I AM A I, Chapter 6 or The Truth Tuning Toolkit Applications 7 through 10 |
Take three slow
deep breathes and then