It has been said, "To change the
world, you must change yourself." All physical change is based on
a set of immutable laws that never change - gravity, motion, gas laws,
etc. Accordingly, to change yourself; you must do so applying laws
that never change - are eternal.
The information here will introduce to you that which never changes within
you and provide applications.
Any person's perception or conceptual understanding of what God is -- singular
or group -- is like any person's perception or conceptual understanding
of what the world is -- singular or group. There always be an element/s
missing. Any person's (or persons') perception/conceptual understanding
of the world is not the actuality of the world (including this book).
In addition, limited mortal mind/minds "can't take in" all the conceptual
details involved with the infinite/eternal.
It is in the
application of the 'truths' within the concepts that produces effect, not
talking or thinking about them.